Page Updated: July 19, 2023

Southern Idaho

Wow, did Idaho take us by surprise! Guess we should’ve assumed it’d be gorgeous since it’s neighbor to Washington state - one of our favorites, but we were really blown away by how beautiful it is.

What sticks out the most for me on this leg is the water. Maybe it’s from living 4 years in Texas. Maybe it’s from spending the previous 7 weeks in the deserts of the southwest. Whatever it is, the amount of irrigation used to water the crops in Idaho is nuts. Not saying it isn’t necessary – how else are we going to get delicious baked potatoes and amazingly tasty beers. But damn, that’s a lot of water!

Our rental – advertised as a “Mountain View Condo,” yet in reality was just a duplex – was clean, comfortable and close to town. So, it was perfect!

Our week long stay in Idaho was meant to be a layover on the way to Oregon - our next destination. Once we got into Twin Falls, we found too many cool things to do other than laying around for a week catching up on rest. Twin Falls was small, but perfect since we’d been not been near a city in weeks! When we weren’t our exploring, we even took a few hours to catch a movie!


Cajun Bayou

Shrimp Pasta

On the recommendation of a clerk at the Twin Falls Visitors Center, we checked out the Anchor Bistro and Bar. The drinks were tasty, the nachos were perfect and our meals hit the spot. The Garlic Parmesan Fries were the best ever and there were multiple items on the menu that looked worthy of trying.

Fried Chops &

Father’s day at the Depot Grill on Shoshone Street South was enjoyable. The biscuits and gravy were respectable and that’s saying something coming from a southern girl. Trying to maintain good nutrition while traveling is a full time task. Add an egg intolerance to the mix, and breakfast out can be a nightmare. Super grateful to the diners who at least offer chunks of meat.


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The start of Leg 4 pathed us up I-15 through Salt Lake City. The perfect opportunity to tick the Great Salt Lake off our list!

Great Salt Lake

Perrine Memorial Bridge


From the Twin Falls Visitors Center, visitors get amazing views of the Perrine Memorial Bridge. Built in the 1920s, the 1500’ bridge spans Snake River Canyon…


On the advice of the Twin Falls Visitor Center staff, we drove to see the highly recommended Shoshone Falls. We’d also read it’s often referred to as the Niagara of the west, and who wouldn’t want to see that?

Shoshone Falls


Roughly 45 miles north of Shoshone Falls is Shoshone Ice Caves, one of the largest known lava ice caves in Idaho.

Shoshone Ice Caves


Craters of the Moon National Monument

Encompassing the largest lava field of its kind in the lower 48, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve is a bizarre landscape of desert sagebrush and ancient lava flows.


These “trails” are really tiny offshoots accessed near the southern trailhead of North Crater Trail, so they’re easy to get to.

Spatter Cone Trail - Snow Cone Trail


Quick loop for our first walk in Craters of the Moon. The trail is nicely paved with benches scattered along its length and is also wheelchair accessible.

Devil’s Orchard Loop


Inferno Cone Viewpoint is super short, moderately challenging, and is one of the top things to do in Craters of the Moon National Monument.

Inferno Cone Viewpoint