Page Updated: June 14, 2023

Great Salt Lake

Great Salt Lake - UT

How long do you have to visit a spot before you can accurately say you’ve “been there?” Does just taking a couple of photos count? Or does one need to spend quality time in said spot? And if so, how much time is a respectable amount of time before one can claim been there rights?

The start of Leg 4 pathed us up I-15 through Salt Lake City. Having heard of the Great Salt Lake all of our lives, this was the perfect opportunity to tick this wonder off our list. And what better way to experience it for a brief visit than a pitstop for a picnic lunch. Well, I’m hear to tell you in true Lee & V fashion… things did not go as planned.

Our destination was Great Salt Lake Campground, and we thought we’d tack on a visit to the Great Salt Lake Visitor Center - because I love a souvenir magnet! Travel on I-80 west gave us brief glimpses of the lake, and it looked like it was going to be a great experience!

A road closed barrier on the frontage road blew up our plans.

And the stench that slammed me in the face when I lowered the window for better pictures became the last deterrent we needed to quit the search for a road side pull out.

We finally got our picnic lunch… at a rest stop on I-15 N. Far away from the stink of the Great Salt Lake.


Perrine Memorial Bridge