Page Updated: July 18, 2023

Craters of the Moon National Monument

Craters of the Moon ID

Encompassing the largest lava field of its kind in the lower 48, Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve is a bizarre landscape of desert sagebrush and ancient lava flows. Cinder cones, exposed fissures, craters, and lava tubes cover the terrain following a 50+ mile crack in the Earth’s crust known as the Great Rift.

Birders, campers, and hikers can explore the park 365 days a year. BLM lands with a network of primitive trails give off-roaders the chance to explore with 4-wheel-drive, high clearance vehicles. And winter adventurers will be tickled to know the colder months offer a chance for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.

One of the unique features of Craters of the Moon are its lava tubes/caves. Visitors to the park are free to explore them at their leisure. This was a big draw for us, and we were eager to check them out. We booked an over night camp at Lava Flow Campground with high expectations on exploring the area. On arrival to the park, we stopped at the visitor center to obtain our free cave permit - we were denied.

Cave Permits Protect Bats

  • A free permit is required to enter caves at Craters of the Moon. Obtain a free permit at the visitor center during business hours. The Annual, Senior, Access, and Military passes do not count as a cave permit.

  • If you have boots or other gear (such as pants, shirts, hats, gloves, pads, or packs) used in caves or mines outside of Craters of the Moon, please leave these items at home. This is to prevent the spread of white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease that is harmless to humans but fatal in bats. Anything that has ever been in any underground space cannot be worn or brought into the caves at Craters of the Moon, even if it has been washed or decontaminated.

When we started traveling full-time in May of 2021, I packed a ridiculous number if shoes. Now, I have fewer; but Lee still makes fun of me for having too many. I always have several pair in the car, because one never knows what one might need on excursion day: hiking boots, hiking shoes (which are different than boots), sneakers, dressy sandals, and a trusty pair of flip-flops for rainy days - thongs for those across the pond. And recently, new hideous water hikers. I share this story because when we attempted to get our permits, we were asked if we were dressed in any clothing or shoes that had been in any other caves over the past 2 years.

Since we’d visited several caves in TX over the years, we were aware of the effort to protect cave environments but had completely forgotten about it. And having been in Shoshone Ice Caves that very day, I cringed a little on the inside.

Guess who didn’t have spare shoes…

After checking out interpretive displays in the visitors center and being denied cave permits, we spent the afternoon driving the 7 mile scenic Loop Road and taking advantage of short trails and quick overlooks. Devil’s Orchard Loop taught us a little about the surrounding environment. Spatter & Snow Cone Trails gave insight on human impacts of said environment. And scrambling up the Inferno Cone Overlook showed us truly unexpected vistas of the ancient lava flows.

Craters of the Moon earned Dark Sky distinction in 2017 and should be a perfect place to do a little astrophotography. While unpacking for camp, we discovered we’d left our Canon at the rental and wouldn’t be taking any photos that night. Ominous clouds in the distance threatened rain anyway, so we decided to just make use of our reserved campsite for a dinner of beer and brats and head out. The park definitely deserves a revisit in the future when we’re better prepared

Sometimes we do stuff. And sometimes it’s a fail. But, it’s always an adventure.

Sitting in the shade at the campsite sipping on tasty beverages, Lee turns to me and says “25 years ago, I never would have thought we’d be in Idaho – drinking a beer – in the middle of a lava field.”

scenes from Craters of the Moon

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Shoshone Ice Caves

Spatter Cone Trail - Snow Cone Trail