
Page Updated: August 18, 2024

Long overdue update, but what a summer! Since April; we've hit Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and Ohio. Now we're currently hanging out in the mitten of Michigan trying to cram in ruck training for our first ever backpacking experience. Training days are spent constantly adjusting straps (is that normal?) all the while wondering "are we really tough enough?" We're about to find out!

16 Aug 2024

See you down the road!

-lee & v

Bikes, beaches, and the boardwalk! Hanging out in VA Beach! Adjusting to this RV way of life while trying to see the sites.

09 Apr 2024

See you down the road!

-lee & v

After a long pause in travel, we’re chomping at the bit to get back at it! After a summer of mods, a wedding that consumed autumn, and waiting all winter for the truck we ordered May 2023, come Wednesday we’re rolling out for the first time - ever.

See you down the road!

-lee & v

27 Feb 2024

We had our Momentum 395MS delivered. Never pulled a fifth-wheel. Never rented an RV. This is our inaugural pull - cross your fingers!

Patiently waiting to hear about the 450 we ordered back in May so we can start planning our 2024 travel. Till then, we’re spending the holidays with family!

13 Dec 2023

From our little corner of the world to yours, Merry Christmas!

See you down the road!

-lee & v

What a summer! We thought our travel pause while waiting on our RV to arrive and counting down days until our eldest’s wedding would be calm and relaxing. Apparently, we’re naive.

01 Nov 2023

Miscommunication led to the RV being delivered while we were halfway across the country. Few things ensue panic like a text relaying “delivery in 2hrs” when you’re not expecting it. Luckily, family came to the rescue - they are the best!

It’s been a summer of modifications and mishaps that’ve tangled into autumn with lots and lots of wedding prep. Writeups about our calamities will come one day, But for now… Meet Mo! Dubbed so not because he’s a Momentum 395MS, but because he keeps taking mo’ money, mo’ money, mo’ money! 

See you down the road


Things are about to get crazy in our world. We’re jumping from fulltime Airbnb into fulltime RV! Neither of us knows a thing about it, and we’ve watched more disaster clips than a sane person should. Yet, we’re still excited for this next chapter! It could very well be we’ve lost our minds, but we’re gonna have a blast doing it.

09 MAR 2023

By the time our RV comes fresh off the line and rolls in for full body paint, we’ll be closing in on 2yrs of Airbnb travel. The time has flown by. There’s always more to see, more to do, and more to write about.

See you down the road


The next weeks and months will be a whirlwind. And as we work to align the things in our lives to start the next phase of our journey, Backpacks and Bumpers will also be morphing into its new look. I’m excited to see where it goes!