Page Updated: February 23, 2024

Whitewater Express Zipline

V over the Chattahoochee River - Columbus GA

Located on the border of Georgia and Alabama, Whitewater Express offers whitewater rafting in urban RushSouth Whitewater Park on the Chattahoochee River.

In addition to rafting, Whitewater Express offs a 7-line zip line course that crosses over the Chattahoochee, continues through the treetops of Alabama, with a final line taking zippers back across the Georgia state line.

Zip across a river? Scary? No!

On a brutally hot summer day, Bec - my baby sis - and I braved the Blue Heron course with Whitewater Express. Maybe zip lines are becoming our thing!

Whitewater Express advertises self-breaking lines. This is a vastly different experience for people who have learned to break themselves and requires a whole lot of trust in the lines and the staff to ensure you don’t collide at the end of the line.

Having experienced all points - I would classify it more like break assisted and probably wouldn’t go with a company offering the same in the future.

Also to note, this is the only zipline we’ve done that didn’t provide water stations along the course. Even one would be a benefit.


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