Page Updated: August 2, 2023

Agate Beach

Agate Beach - Port Orford OR

One of the coolest characteristics of the Pacific Northwest Coastline is the beaches seem to be alive. The sand shifts and swirls with the heavy breeze as waves crash along the shore and birds dive into the ocean in search of their next meal. If there’s a downside to the phenomenon of dancing sand, it’s be getting sandblasted in the face.

Agate Beach stretches for two miles and is a popular location for rockhounds seeking the perfect specimen of rock. Specifically, agates. The crashing surf of the Pacific Ocean chips away cliffsides, and over time, it weathers the broken pieces to reveal hidden minerals within. Smoothing its edges in ways only nature can. Agates glisten in the water and are translucent when held up to the light. And the hunt for them through the sands of the beach can be therapeutically meditative.

Tips from a noob:

  • Walk with the wind so your not getting sand to the face

  • Crouch instead of bend to shield the breeze

  • Sunglasses are your friend

  • Wear items with lots of pockets!

Experienced rockhounds will 1) carry walking sticks with curves or hooks at the end to poke around in the sand without needing to bend over unnecessarily and 2) carry mesh bags to help wash sand away from their finds. General regulations limit 1 gallon of rocks per day, 3 gallons per year. Specific Oregon rockhounding regulations and rules can be found here.

As always on the Pacific Northwest Coast, be sneaker wave aware - never turn your back to the ocean.


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