Page Updated: January 08, 2024

Orono Bog Boardwalk

Sarracenia Pitcher Plant - Orono ME

Designated a National Landmark in 1974 for its outstanding example of a northern peat bog and featuring a mile-long wooden walkway that passes through its mixed wooded fen and into the peat bog, the Orono Bog is the perfect opportunity to witness a few of Maine’s fascinating ecosystems. The boardwalk is accessible, contains educational signs illustrating common yet diverse species of flora and fauna found throughout the bog, and provides benches along the route for rest and observation.

In a rare moment on our travels, we took a break in the middle of pack-up day to squeeze this location into leg 23. Nothing ornate. Nothing crazy. Just the simple beauty of Maine, and one of the most unique nuggets we’ve encountered on our journey.


Petite Manan Lighthouse

Prospect Harbor Lighthouse