Page Updated: March 21, 2023

Telephone Line Short Loop

Sabino Canyon Recreation Area

4.4 miles - 603’ elev gain - moderate

MAY 2021

Fun loop to explore! Fell in love with it on a solo hike, and completed it a second time so Lee could experience it. This was our first Arizona hike together and we both enjoyed every minute of it. If we lived in the area, this would be a regular.

Hiked counterclockwise giving us a slow steady incline early on. Sections of the trail are rocky and steep, so those needing ankle support should plan accordingly. Surprisingly good shade in some sections - zero shade in others.

Creek crossings were dry/low on our May hike, so crossing wasn’t a big deal. However, we did lose the trail for a sec at the north crossing. Found it soon enough that it wasn’t a big deal, but worth nothing signage for this area of the trail could be improved.

Different seasons will yield different dynamics. If the water’s running high, be prepared to wade.

happy hiking!


Sunset Trail