Page Updated: August 04, 2023

Shore Acres Gardens

The Lily Pond - Shore Acres Gardens OR

An unexpected surprise on bluffs along the Oregon coast, Shore Acres Gardens is the re-creation of the English-style gardens once a part of timber baron Louis J. Simpson’s summer property - now a part of Shore Acres State Park. Flowers, shrubs, and trees brought in from around the world worked in concert with formal beds, gravel paths, and pergolas to create the original gardens south of the Simpson mansion. The mansion on the bluffs no longer exists. In its place now stands a fully enclosed observation building where visitors can enjoy the power of the sea and spot migrating whales beginning December and through the month of June.

Surrounding the gardens of Shore Acres are Monterey Pines and Cypresses that remain from the original design.

The formal beds s have been restored with box woods and bedding plants accenting thoughtfully placed roses and flowering tree shrubs.

Other features at the Gardens are a Japanese-style garden - complete with a lily pond (pictured at the top) and arching bridge, two well manicured rose gardens, and a greenhouse displaying a wall of succulents.

I’ve read elsewhere “something is on bloom year round” at Shore Acres. Our visit was early July and blooms of all types were prolific throughout. I’d be interested to see if the autumn display can compare.

Also of interest at Shore Acres Gardens is the Holiday Light Show (timed entry reservations required). The show begins late November and runs through December featuring thousands of lights displayed throughout the gardens.

scenes from Shore Acres Gardens

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