Page Updated: December 13, 2023

Niagara Falls Ontario

United States/Canadian Border - Niagara Falls ON

One of the beautiful natural wonders of North America, Niagara Falls is a bustling destination for millions of tourists annually. The three great Niagara Falls stem from the same river straddling the border: American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls are found in the Untired States, and Horseshoe Falls are found in Canada.

Canada specific info below. For the Untied States, witch to Niagara Falls State Park NY.

Excited to see the falls from the Canadian side, we purchased online passes several weeks ahead of time. Our goal - to see as much as we could in the little bit of time we had available!

We had a few options to choose from and chose the Adventure Pass Plus and sprung for an additional Niagara Cruise.

Adventure Pass Plus: Niagara Parks

·         Journey Behind the Falls

·         Niagara’s Fury

·         Niagara Parks Power Station and Tunnel

·         Whirlpool Aero-Car

·         White Water Walk

·         2-day access to the Falls Railway Incline and

·         2-day access to WeGo – (transit bus)

We allotted 2 days for Niagara Falls Canada and altered Day 1 at the last minute to include Cave of the Winds and lunch at Top of the Falls restaurant in Niagara Falls State Park New York. This left us rushed in Canada.

We recommend 3 full days in Canada if you like to mosey and want to see more of what the Niagara Falls City has to offer.

The Falls Railway Incline connects the Table Rock tourism area around the falls with the heart of Niagara Falls City. The city and hotels are on a higher elevation and the walk down to the falls from our hotel (Marriott on the Falls) required a walk we only wanted to do once. Our passes provided unlimited access to the Incline Railway and was quite handy!

Falls Incline Railway

A unique attraction that provides a much different experience than others attractions on either side of the border; Journey Behind the Falls is just that., an attraction that takes visitors beneath and behind Horseshoe Falls. Viewing decks and portal holes show the falls in different ways. But, the experience here is in what you’ll feel - the power of 681,750 gallons per second vibrating through the rock.

Journey Behind the Falls

Niagara’s Fury is located in the Table Rock Center. The two-part indoor attraction is brief and geared towards kids.  

Part one consists of a 10 minute computer animated short telling the story of a young beaver learning of the geological events responsible for the formation of Niagara Falls 10,000 years ago. This room has no seating.

Part two shifts visitors to a second room. Utilizing 360° viewing screens, a moving platform, rain falling from the ceiling, gurgling fountains, strobe lights, and a bubble machine in its presentation, part two gives a 4D experience on the creation of the Falls. a

Some opinions of Niagara’s Fury is that it’s underwhelming. We wouldn’t spring for the individual experience but found it cute and informative. - worth seeing if it’s lumped into a Niagara Pass.

Niagara’s Fury

Niagara Parks Power Station & Tunnel

The Niagara Parks Power Station & Tunnel took us longer than we thought it would because it’s more interesting than we thought it would be. But, we likely would’ve stayed longer if we weren’t rushing around to see more of Niagara Falls sites.

Whirlpool Aero Car , White Water Walk & WeGo

The Whirlpool Aero Car suspends tourist over the Niagara River at the end of the rapids and high above the whirlpool. After waiting in line and being next to have the experience, the current car stalled on the cable pass and was stuck over the river. The attendant referenced it was “the 6th or 7th time this week” the car had stalled. The attraction closed for the day once the Aero Car finally returned to the platform.

A series of unfortunate circumstances involving a late day, a broken down WeGo bus and a closing time of 5pm prevented us from visiting White Water Walk.

Our friends visiting in October found the White Water Walk was still in season but Temporarily Closed.

Niagara City Cruises

Bucket list experience that doesn’t really need a push!

See it if you can!


Cave of the Winds

Journey Behind the Falls