Page Updated: December 08, 2023

Journey Behind the Falls

Horseshoe Falls - Niagara Falls ON

A tourist attraction in the city of Niagara Falls, Ontario; Journey Behind the Falls takes visitors 125 feet down in an elevator to the old Niagara tunnels. Once visitors step off the elevator, Horseshoe Falls still aren’t yet visible; but you can feel the force of the water vibrating through the bedrock - and through you!

Very neat experience! The thunderous roar of the falls definitely reverberates through your body unlike any other attraction at Niagara Falls!

Journey Behind the Falls begins in the Table Rock Centre. The queue to acquire tickets can be ridiculous. We recommend getting your tickets in advance or as part of a package.

The attraction provides you with a bright yellow poncho. You’ll need it! And waterproof shoes - hideous as they may be - are your friend.

The Niagara tunnels snake in two directions and are each lined with interpretive signs pertinent to the falls and the purpose of the construction of the tunnels.

One direction leads to viewing portals directly behind the water fall. The other leads to observations decks at the base of Horseshoe Falls. From the decks, visitors can appreciate the raw power of 681,750 gallons of falling water per second.

The view of Horseshoe Falls from these decks are just as spectacular as the views from above but provides visitors with a different angle to express their awe.

Getting started at this attraction was a little rough since we failed to grab our passes first thing the evening before when we arrived at the city. Other than that, the attraction was well organized and there wasn’t a wait a for us to see the portholes.

scenes from Journey Behind the Falls


Niagara Falls Ontario

Niagara Parks Power Station