Page Updated: February 08, 2024

Fort Washington

The Potomac River - Fort Washington MD

Today, Fort Washington is the primary point of interest in Fort Washington Historical Park.

Located on a defensible bluff on the Potomac River, Fort Washington - built for fortification of the nation’s new Capitol - is not the single fortification its name evokes but a conglomeration of evolving military architectures, strategies and technologies implemented throughout American history.

Originally the site of Fort Warburton - a fortification built on the recommendation of George Washington and later destroyed in the War of 1812, the hornwork masonry design of Fort Washington is the foundation subsequent additions and improvements.

Free to see year-round, visitors can pick up Fort Washington Park Self Guided Tour pamphlet at the historic Commandant’s House that now serves as the Park’s museum and visitors center.

scenes from Fort Washington

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George Washington’s Mount Vernon

Fort Washington Lighthouse
