Page Updated: September 15, 2023

Edison and Ford Winter Estates

Edison Ford Winter Estates - Fort Myers FL

On the Caloosahatchee River of Fort Myers. FL sits Edison and Ford Winter Estates. Spanning over 20 acres, the historic site includes the winter homes of both American icons, a 15000 sq ft museum dedicated to their inventions, beautiful gardens, and the Edison Botanical Research Laboratory founded in 1928.

A selection of guided tours with varying schedules are slotted throughout the week. Self-guided tours require no reservation and allow one to explore at their own pace. Free audio content for the self-guided tour is available throughout the grounds or can be accessed through the Edison Ford app.

On September 28, 2022, Category 4 Hurricane Ian made landfall near the island of Cayo Costa, FL. Damage to the island and the surrounding greater Fort Myers area was catastrophic. Many communities lost businesses and homes. The determined began the arduous process of rebuilding. Others have chosen to move on.

For our Edison and Ford Estates visit, we opted for the self-guided tour and used headphones to be respectful of others. We used the app and found that it worked perfectly.

On the tour, we learned about the history of the estates and about the friendship the two inventors.

Looking to escape the brutal winters of the north, Edison sought a warmer location for a winter home; and on a visit to Ft Meyers, he found exactly what he was looking for. Purchasing 13 acres for $2,750, he created what he would later call Seminole Lodge. Here, he hosted family and friends; many of them famous.

Among Edison’s famous friends was one Henry Ford. On a visit to the area, Ford also found a quick appreciation for the area. He purchased property directly adjacent to Seminole Lodge and created his own winter retreat, dubbing it The Mangoes. Together, the properties offer a glimpse into the summer lives of the two inventors.

The museum onsite is housed in the visitors building and features exhibits specific to each man’s inventions as well as the chronology of electricity. Additional auto exhibits can be found in the garage outside of the Mangoes Estate.

I found the coolest feature of the estates to be Edison’s research lab. The unique botanical laboratory was used in the search for a source of rubber that could be grown in U.S. Still filled with scientific equipment and machinery, the size of the lab denotes Edison’s persistence to complete his quest.

I’m a sucker for history, so I found Edison and Ford Winter Estates to be wildly interesting. And as a tree lover, I fell in love with the Bayan trees covering the property. Equally cool is this Moreton Bay Fig sitting near the river. It’s a keeper!

scenes from Edison and Ford

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