Page Updated: February 16, 2024

USS Growler (SSG-577)

USS Growler - New York NY

Launched April 1958 and named after USS Growler (SS-215) which was lost at sea in World War II, the second of the Navy's guided-missile submarines - USS Growler (SSG-577) - is the only tourable nuclear capable submarine in the U.S.

Today, visitors can walk the belly of the USS Growler (SS-577) at Pier 86’s Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum on the Hudson River in New York.

Not our first submarine, but still a cool experience.

As part of the Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum, the wait to enter USS Growler (SSG-577) can be lengthy. We had an hour+ queue on a misty and moody autumn day. On a hot summer day with no shade, this would’ve been brutal.

Submarine Safety Guidelines are oddly posted at the end of the line!

Entering through the Missile Hanger, tours of the submarine are self-guided and flow in one direction from forward to aft.

Physically being in the confined gives a better representation of what submariners endure while at sea better than any book reading ever could. We’re not claustrophobic but it seems like one could develop the condition quite easily is such a tiny space.

USS Growler (SS-577) is an amazing museum offering a glimpse into Cold War history. See it if you can!


USS Intrepid

Ellis Island