Page Updated: January 17, 2024

New England Holocaust Memorial

New England Holocaust Memorial - Boston MA

Six glass spires etched with six million numbers, the New England Holocaust Memorial pays tribute to the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust.

Six subterranean chambers beneath each tower - each inscribed with one of six death camps - contains embers with steam that drifts skyward.

Within the columns are memories of survivors. As you pass through each column and read their stories, shadows of the six million numbers flicker across your skin; a poignant echo of six million murdered souls.

The symbolic design of the New England Holocaust Museum cannot be overstated, and tt’s location along Boston’s Freedom Trail is aptly placed.

Founded by Holocaust survivor Stephan Ross, the memorial serves as a reminder to never forget the consequences of a world in which there is no freedom.

Placed in what can be mistaken as a simple green space between busy Congress Street and a pub row, this memorial can easily be missed. Once we noticed it, we had to backtrack and cross to the other side of the street to see it in its entirety.

Inside the memorial, the bustle of the city fades away as you walk through the columns and read survivor accounts. The experience is both somber and jarring.

Near the entrance to the memorial, QR codes link interested visitors to the New England Holocaust Memorial audio tour. The tour accents 9 stops on the memorial grounds with historical facts and survivor accounts.

This tour can also be accessed by visiting:

See you down the road…


Freedom Trail

USS Constitution