Page Updated: February 07, 2024

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Vietnam Veterans Memorial - Washington D.C.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial pays tribute to more than 58,000 servicemen who fought, died, or were missing in action over the course of the Vietnam War. Located in the northwest corner of the National Mall, the 2-acre memorial has the distinction of using minimalist design.

The focal point of the memorial is The Wall that Heals. Twin walls stretching a combined total of more than 493 feet record each service member in chronological order by date of capture or casualty. Guidebooks located at each end of the memorial wall help visitors locate specific names with guidance to a specific panel and row.

The chronological order allows veterans who were in a battle to see their friends forever united on the Wall… Fallen comrades could be together on the Wall, as they’d been in death.

Other features of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial include The Three Servicemen - a bronze sculpture depicting Vietnam War era soldiers facing the Wall of the fallen, and the Vietnam Women’s Memorial created to honor the 265K women who served in the Vietnam War.
