Page Updated: January 23, 2024

Ghost and Gravestones Tour

Granary Burying Grounds - Boston MA

Boston’s Old Town Trolley Ghost and Gravestones Tour explores Beantown’s dark side. Led by a costumed “17th century gravedigger” providing exclusive nighttime access to some of the nation’s oldest burying grounds, the tour recounts the ghost stories, local tales, and gruesome events of Boston’s haunted history.

After two days of checking out historic Boston, this tour wasn’t on our agenda. Marketing got us - as did our love for all things spooky - and we spontaneously grabbed tickets our last night in the city.

The real draw for us was being able to walk the burying grounds after dark. Ghost stories were a bonus. As we bounced from site to site through the streets of Boston, we appreciated the script was different from the day tour.

Overall, Ghost and Gravestones was much cooler in our minds than it actually turned out to be, but it was still kooky and fun!


USS Cassin Young