Page Updated: November 16, 2023

Snorkeling Garden Key

Ship Anchor - Garden Key FL

Located in Dry Tortugas National Park, Garden Key is one of seven islands within the park. The striking turquoise waters surrounding the island are home to seagrass beds and living coral reefs pivotal to thriving marine life.

A snorkeling adventure to Garden Key goes hand-in-hand with a day trip to Dry Tortugas National Park. We came with our own snorkel gear and had a great time but think we can tweak it for an even better experience next go around. We ventured to the island via The Yankee Freedom and found snorkeling in a large group midday when currents are more active is doable but not ideal: lots of snorkel bumping going on with fellow snorkelers.

Beautiful above and below the surface. Don’t think the water could have been clearer. Out of ignorance, we stuck to the moat wall and not even the correct moat wall; so we missed out on what we’re told is better snorkeling in the area.

Suggested snorkel locations are along the west moat wall, reef patches west of the same wall, and the north and south wharf ruins.

Fire coral stings - beware!

scenes from Garden Key


Fort Jefferson

History of Diving Museum