Page Updated: March 06, 2024

Saguaro National Park

He’s Lee - I'm V. He's quiet, funny, and intelligent. I’m impatient, determined and super awkward. He’s the yang to my yin and my best friend in life. If I’m taking the leap, there’s no one else I’d rather have by my side.

Sunset - Saguaro National Park AZ

I like to think there’s not a kid on the planet that doesn’t believe Saguaros aren’t one of the coolest things ever. I loved them as a child, and our youngest son grew up calling them “man cactus.” He thought they were amazing.

On a trip to Phoenix in the early 2000’s, I bought a baby Saguaro in a box from the airport; partly for him - partly for me. It survived over a year in our Georgia windowsill before a tiny worm had a feast with it and it toppled over. We were bummed. Only heartened by the fact we could always return to the Sonoran Desert to gawk at them in their proper environment. Saguaro National Park is the perfect place to see them up close.

It’s pronounced Sa - WAH - Ro

Saguaro National Park achieved it’s status in 1994.

Saguaro National Park is broken into 2 districts. Saguaro National Park East and Saguaro National Park West. Downtown Tucson spans the distance between. From the Rincon Visitor Center in the east to the Red Hills Visitor Center in the west is roughly 35 miles.

One entrance fee is good for both districts for 7 days from the date of purchase.

Scenic Drive

Cactus Forest Drive Loop, located in the Rincon Mountain District, is perfect for experiencing Saguaro National Park from the comfort of your car. The 8 mile - 2 hour trek is paved and offers the amazing desert scenery you’d expect and a handful of scenic overlooks to enjoy the sweeping vistas of the Sonoran Desert. The loop is also popular with runners and cyclists. Steep hills and twisty turns on the narrow roadway will limit RVers. Vehicles wider than 8 feet or trailers longer than 35 feet are not permitted.*


Visitors can access a number of trailheads all along Cactus Forest Loop Drive. The Mica View Picnic Area - complete with picnic tables, grills, and facilities (but no shade) - is the perfect jumping off point for hikers and walkers. The interwoven network of trails allow nature enthusiasts to create a hike distance customized to them.

Image courtesy of the NPS RMD Hiking Guide

The NPS now has updated (2021) hiking brochures for Saguaro National Park. The guides provide maps, trail details, hiking safety tips, and park regulations.

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There are no established campsites for tent camping; no sites for vehicle camping or RVs. All camping in Saguaro National Park is backcountry and requires permit. The closest wilderness campground is 4 miles from the nearest trailhead - the longest is 10 miles. Details for backcountry camping in the Rincon Mountains can be found here.

For current info, news, and updates on all things Saguaro - including fees, permits, and closures - visit Saguaro National Park at

2021 MAY

We squeezed in a last minute visit to the East District on a weekday after work. First experience in Saguaro National Park. Man, what a beautiful place! Check out our 2021 visit!
