Nomadic life since 2021!

We’re Lee & V. After traveling the country non-stop for 2 years bouncing monthly from one Airbnb to the next, we’ve decided to go all in on going RV.

First timers and new to the game, join us as we start vlogging the adventure!

the latest:

Long overdue update, but what a fun summer! Since April; we've hit Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and Ohio.

Now we're currently hanging out in the mitten of Michigan trying to cram in ruck training for our first ever backpacking experience. Training days are spent constantly adjusting straps (is that normal?) all the while wondering "are we really tough enough?" We're about to find out!

16 AUG 2024

See you down the road

-lee & v

latest vlog:

b&b favorites:

the trek: